I have enjoyed teaching students at all levels: foundation, undergraduate, and postgraduate since 2016. Sometimes, I still re-read some of the best essays!
At the University of Sheffield, I serve as the Programme Director (Lead) of one of the most populated UG programmes, where I oversee the learning journeys of hundreds of students and support Colleagues in delivering the best education. I also teach both undergraduate and postgraduate students. My teaching approach is student-centred. I try to link broad theories, concepts and ideas to students’ lived, real-life experiences to support them in developing reflexive and critical thinking skills. Each year, I look forward to being part of the teaching team of MGT3003, Work and Employment in the Twenty-First Century, where I deliver lectures on trade unions, voice, strikes, and worker cooperatives.
I genuinely enjoy mentoring my academic tutees and Master’s and PhD students, as this is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my work. I find it particularly rewarding to work with students who have lived experiences or who are passionate about addressing the intersected challenges faced by precarious migrant workers in improving their working conditions, particularly in the logistics sector. My specific interests lie in studying various workers’ resistive initiatives and exploring the significance and challenges of building multicultural, collective, participatory labour organising projects.